Friday, 16 January 2015

Liebster Awards

So, I have been nominated for a Liebster award by the wonderful Liz at Literally Liz (Thank you so much for the nomination!) I wasn't all too sure what the award was about But after having a poke around a few blogs, I felt happy to have been nominated. A Liebster award is given to new bloggers by other new bloggers in effort to boost marketing for both their own blog and their nominees. FANTASTIC!. As someone who has barely got on the ground running, I really feel included in such a wonderful community of people who really want to help others succeed just as much as they do so i feel honoured to be nominated. I believe there are a few different variations of the rules around the blogosphere, however this are the Rules i go from Liz so here they are. 
  • Link the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Here are my 11 Liebster Award nominations;

My questions from Liz;

  1. What made you start blogging? I really love writing and blogging and reviewing the things i love and feel passionate about really is a wonderful thing. It always makes you feel like you are making a difference when you find amazing skin care what works or that mascara which you hope people won't waste their money on because it's not worth it. 
  1. What's a skill you don't have, but really wish you did? I wish I could not wear away shoes as bad as i do. I know this a silly one but i am known as a person for needing lot's of pairs of shoes because i destroy them. How i do not know. 
  1. What is your favorite quality about yourself? A lot of people tell me that i am dedicated, passionate and caring and these are qualities i do not wish to lose so i guess they are my favourite. 
  1. What is your favorite makeup brand? At the moment i am adoring bare minerals. 
  1. What song are you embarrassed to have on your playlist? I can't say i am ashamed of it but I believe one that people would find shame is Mr Postman - The Carpenter's, it's so cheesy i love it. 
  1. Have you stuck with your New Years' Resolutions thus far? I haven't really made one but i guess saving for a car, well so far i haven't added anymore til payday so i guess i am kind of failing and passing...eeekkk
  1. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and how long have you had them? A lot of people will find it strange but i do not have a dog or a cat and never have and really i have never been fussed by them. Instead i have two parrot's and a gecko in my household. My gecko is my younger brothers and she is very cute. She is an albino leopard gecko and we have had her around eight years. I also have an Orange Winged Tipped Amazon which we adopted from a person who could not look after him two years ago and he is around 14 years old and my longest we have had for around 14 years is my blue indian ringneck. Both of my parrot's are the cutest pet's ever. 
  1. What is your favorite show to binge-watch on Netflix? OITNB, House, Breaking Bad, Chuck
  1. What is one thing people who know you would be surprised to find out about you? I am double jointed in my ankles. 
  1. Macbook or PC? Macbook, i adore mine and would NEVER go back.
  1. What is your favorite place you've ever been on vacation? Japan.

Here are my questions for my nominee's:1. Which make up Brush in your collection can you not live without?2. Coffee or Tea?3. Which skincare brand is your favourite?4. If you could have dinner with one person, who would it be?5. What is your current favourite items of clothing that you own?6. What was your most favourite concert / gig / show you have been to and why?7. From your current collection of make up, what make up item do you wish you had never bought and why?8. What are you currently reading? (Book or Magazine is fine)9. What do you love and what do you hate about the beauty community as a whole?10. If you had to wear one pair of shoes for the rest of your life, what pair would that be and why?11. Who is your favourite actor and actress?Really looking forward to reading your answers! And I hope you enjoyed mine. Thanks again, Liz, for the nomination! Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Thank you very much for the nomination!

    evie xx

  2. Thanks for the nomination!!! :)

  3. Thanks so much for the nomination :), I also have a parrot, just one though, don't think I could handle two haha!
    Isabelle xo

    1. Haha yes two is quite the fun. I love them to bits though. :) x

  4. Loved reading your answers! I love Bare Minerals as well. I use the mineral veil every day to set my makeup. :)


    1. Thanks for the nom yet again. I love bare minerals and yet I can't find anything that compares to how good it is. Just love all of it the original powder found, bisck, mineral snd the blushes. Just wonderful brand! X
